Churchill High School

Livonia Churchill High School

Boys Freshman Basketball

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (4)

Scrimmage vs PCA (JV) Tuesday, November 29th

Updated on 06/10/2022

Boy's freshmen basketball team will have a scrimmage against the Plymouth Christian Academy JV basketball team on Tuesday, November 29th at 4:00 PM in the field house on Court 3. 



Parent Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022

The freshmen boys basketball team will have a parent meeting TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND @ 5:30 PM in the Churchill cafeteria. The meeting will cover the seasons expectations, go over schedules, and also go over our team theme for this year.

If there are any questions please contact either Coach Steven or Coach Hovermale.


2016-17 Season Theme: TOUGH

Updated on 06/10/2022

This season the freshmen team will have focused theme of “TOUGH”. Too often players, and people in general for that matter, are misguided as to what being tough is. Our desire to develop tough young men and if basketball skill is added that's a side benefit. Our team will have weekly team meetings where amongst team agendas we will also be going through a 12 part series about toughness. This series was developed by the coaching staff using Jay Bilas’ book “TOUGHNESS”, the academy award nominated movie “Lone Survivor”, and some other resources. The sections in our 12 series is listed below.

TOUGH Introduction


TOUGH Preparation

TOUGH Courage

TOUGH Communication

TOUGH Persistence

TOUGH Next Play

TOUGH Commitment

TOUGH Acceptance

TOUGH Resilience

TOUGH Self Evaluation


Toughness jay Bilas.jpg          v1.bTsxMTE3ODQwODtqOzE3MTg0OzEyMDA7ODAwOzEyMDA

IMPORTANT: 2016-17 Boy's Basketball Try Out Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Boy's high school basketball is once again here and we are very excited to get under way with the 2016-17 year

Freshmen Basketball Try Out Schedule
Date Time Location
Monday, November, 14th 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM Churchill Field House
Tuesday, November 15th 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM Churchill Field House
Wednesday, November 16th 2:45 PM - 5:00 PM Churchill Field House
  •  Please wear athletic apparel and basketball shoes
  • ALL players must have a physical on file with the Churchill Athletic Department in order to try out. Players CANNOT participate without a turned in physical!
  • Players are advised to bring any hydration fluids
  • Phys. Ed. locker rooms will NOT be available to house personnel items.Depending on the court used we will line up all bags and belongings on the nearest bleachers.

Any questions please contact the coaching staff! Go Chargers!