Churchill High School

Livonia Churchill High School

Girls Varsity Tennis

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (3)

Mandatory Google Team Meeting Friday March 19, 2021

Updated on 06/10/2022 | Denise Berg-Grant

There is a mandatory meeting for the Girls Tennis Team on Friday March 19, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.  Practices begin NEXT WEEK ON THE COURTS from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.  There will NOT be a meeting on the track in the Field house!  We have already had our informational meetings and uniforms have been ordered. You must have your physical in hand or on file to step on the courts Monday.  Join the Churchill Girls Varsity Tennis Google Classroom for all information.  The code is 64hgxks    The link to our meeting is in the Classroom.  See you Friday!

Girls Tennis Uniform Order and Google Online Team Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022 | Denise Berg-Grant

The online window is open right now to order your uniform.  This is your responsibility.  The information is in my Google Classroom - code 64hgxks 

You MUST all have the team shirt that we have chosen and a red skirt or shorts with pockets PLAIN (the bottom can be purchased somewhere else but must be plain and MATCH)

There will be an online mandatory meeting at 3:30 pm Monday March 1, 2021   The link will be on the Google Classroom called Churchill Girls Varsity Tennis.  If you wish to play, you must be at this meeting to get the necessary information!

Girls Varsity Tennis - Pre Season Meeting and Google Classroom

Updated on 06/10/2022 | Denise Berg-Grant

Please join my Google Classroom titled Churchill Girls Varsity Tennis with the code of 64hgxks as soon as possible.  Our pre-season meeting will be on Google Meets and next week.  The link will be shared in the Classroom.  We will be going to Dearborn Indoor Racquet and Health Club this year, beginning Monday Marrch 22, 2021,  but protocols only allow 5 players per court.  We will have some courts and will have to rotate players.  Cost is $10 CASH before you go on the court and you get 1 1/2 hours court time.  Details will follow soon as we are still working it out.  Times most likely from 4-5:30 pm.  See you soon!!!