No team summary for this season.
Girls Tennis Information/Tryouts
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Denise Berg-Grant
Practices will be held at Dearborn Indoor Racquet and Health Club (2727 S, Gulley Rd, Dearborn MI) as follows:
All returning players that have earned a Varsity letter - indoor dates beginning Monday 3/12, Weds 3/14, Fri 3/16, Mon 3/19, Weds 3/21 and Fri 3/23 All practice times for you are 4-6 pm. Fridays may be used for challenge matches. All new players or those who have not lettered yet: Indoor dates beginning Tuesday 3/13 , Thurs 3/15, Tuesday 3/20, and Thursday 3/22 PLEASE NOT THAT YOUR TUESDAY TIMES ARE FROM 3:30-5:30 p.m and your THURSDAY TIMES ARE FROM 4-6p.m.
You must have:
Your physical form with you the FIRST day, signed in all places - inside is Code of Conduct
$15 cash each session to be paid on the COURT. The desk will not be handling our team payments. Please be sure you bring cash only
Conditioning is happening right now after school on Mondays and Thursdays at 2:45 p.m. Girls are meeting at the track area upstairs by the fitness center. This is not mandatory.
Cuts are not made however there are only 14 Varsity positions to be filled and the remaining players will play exhibition. Pay to play is due at the end of the first week and no new players are accepted after that first week.